BLINDSIDED | This past year has had its ups and downs. And as the new year is about to start, I have had to take a hard look of what has occurred. The truth is, I have not been doing well. I have spoken about my struggles with finding work in my field, and the reality is, for anyone starting in the creative field, you will find yourself at a crossroads. I am at that crossroads.
Read MoreNEW HOPE | Do you ever feel like you are facing the same problem over and over again? This is how I have been feeling lately. My self-doubts, worries and anxieties with work and business stifle not only my creativity, but also my drive. Just as I am riding a wave of positivity and productivity, I crash into idleness and hopelessness. I always thought avoiding these situations are the goal. But I have come to realize that hard times come for everyone and every business. And the only solution is not to avoid the hard times, rather to prepare for them.
Read MoreGIVE YOURSELF CREDIT | The reality of being an entrepreneur is that you take on all the responsibility in your business. Your decisions can pave the way to success or failure. It is never easy and there is no way around the fact that finances will be stretched. The financial risk is my struggle going into business. But after reflection, I found that my real issue may be what I use as my source of motivation and inspiration.
Read MorePLAYS NICELY WITH OTHERS | Where and who you surround yourself with can really affect your work and outlook in life. People who motivate and inspire you do not break you down but rather challenge and support you. Do not expect the road to be easy. We will be pushed beyond our comfort zones. But the places, people and experiences that help us through our journey are priceless.
Read MoreWHERE I’M MEANT TO BE | Several events this past week have settled within me to truly believe that I am in the right place doing exactly what I need to be doing at this time. I have not become an overnight success or anything of the sort, but something has changed. I am so assured that branding and designing is what I am meant to do.
Read MoreROCKY WATERS | I am sure everyone has had those weeks where you are still reeling from each day. I am still trying to get to grips with my new portfolio website, balancing projects and the next moves of my career and business. Just when you think one wave has passed, another one is right there to blindside you. How are we to keep up?
Read MoreKEEP IN TOUCH | Over time we can lose touch with a lot of people. As our priorities, situations and environments change, so do our relationships and the people we are surrounded with. We develop and grow closer as well as apart with classmates, co-workers and even friends and family. But, you know, it is never too late to reach out and reconnect with someone that you care about.
Read MoreREMEMBER TO SAY THANK YOU | This past week has been a great reminder to give thanks for every challenge in life. There is consolation in every small victory or goal met. In the overall scheme of things, every positive effort matters. Too easily we can get lost in the mayhem that we lose sight in the value of our sacrifices and more so our victories. Despite the daily hustle, let us take the time to celebrate our roots and accomplishments with grace and humility.
Read MorePUTTING YOURSELF OUT THERE | I can understand how scary it is to get out there and meet new people and go to new places. We can get very self-conscious and nervous about what other people think of us. It is important to have a good relationship with your audience. But it is important to also be honest with yourself, too. Put yourself out there, but when you do, make sure that that person is really you.
Read MoreCLASH OF IDEAS | This past week was a lot of things: confusing, stressful, overwhelming and illuminating. After a spiral of events and ideas, I was able to get back on track. Trying new things is always revealing of our skills and our motivations. But we always have to be mindful if what we are doing is in line with our goals.
Read MoreSUMMERTIME SADNESS | After last week’s slow start, I was hit with another setback: I got sick. The brash farewell of summer weather was wrought with cold and rain. I was instantly hit with a sore throat and runny nose. It was looking like bedridden rest and little productivity was in my forecast. How was I going to recover?
Read MoreREKINDLING BETTER HABITS | I wish it was easy to pick up where one has left off, but it isn’t. This week was a slow week of playing a long game of catch up. I got back to the gym and refocused on some personal rebranding work. It was not the best week. I know there were things that could have been done better. I am sure we have all had a week like this before.
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