Back to Day One
2017 to me was the year of putting thought and intentions to what I was doing. For work, I wanted to start a career. For my health, I wanted to discipline myself and take better care of myself physically, mentally and emotionally. I came from a tough year prior. I was still very raw from it. I knew 2017 was going to be a year of healing and growth.
I opened myself to trying new things: waking up early, morning photo walks, exercising more consistently, changing my diet, learning how to do my make-up, volunteering with kids, joining clubs, hiking, practicing calligraphy, studying German, rebuilding my website and making friends. It may seem like normal things one does, but I can understand that it is easier said than done. There were many times I lost consistency or motivation. But that was part of the process. Real change takes time, and the changes I wanted were no exception.
In time, I noticed that the changes were becoming more and more a part of me and my routine. Salad did not taste so bad, so I started learning more about fitness and proper diets to try. I focused my workouts to target specific goals such as toning and strengthening. I learned to direct what I was doing and thinking toward my goals. At the time I was feeling lost, I had to go back to what I knew and move from there. I fell in love in with Vancouver when I went on my morning photo walks. I gained confidence when I did my work well. I woke up understanding my purpose and seized the day.
Although I can not say each day was perfect, I noticed that most days were filled with activities I wanted to accomplish and nights with rested sleep. The anxiety was no longer a crippling experience for me, rather an indicated to get back on track. I used to fear change because my perception of it was something bad. But the past year showed me how we can make change for the better. We can not control everything that happens in life, but for the things we can, the choice is ours: change for worse or better?
The past year was an opportunity to prove to myself how I can improve myself. Even the smallest of efforts I gave yielded to more than I could imagine. Learning to be grateful and thankful, opened my mind to what I had instead of what I lacked. Whatever I lacked, I could build and create. When I was lacking job opportunities, I created opportunities by applying myself. When I was lacking discipline in my health, I had to change my sleeping pattern, my eating habits and workout choices. I became emboldened to chase after my dreams and aspirations. The little changes amounted to bigger ones. This year, I know that if I give more, even greater things will come.
I am excited. 2018 is a continuation of 2017. The momentum of positivity, changes, openness and gratefulness is becoming a part of my psyche. There is a peace, eagerness and anticipation for good things to come. I know that the challenges that come to test us can be tackled and overcome. With my family and friends, home, work, talents, goals and God — anything and everything is possible.
Cheers to a new year everyone! Thank you so much for the support this past year. Looking forward to a wonderful new year. 2018, here we come! ■