Daily Interval Thinking

GROWING IN INCREMENTS | What do you want out of life? Great relationships, a dream job, to travel, a healthy body? Whatever it is, it can seem impossible to reach that goal. How and when can I get there. Well, we know that it does not come in a day, but over a span of time. With daily discipline and focus, what you strive for will get closer every time.

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Patricia Atienza
First Impressions

HONEST & HUMBLE | Last week I met with a group of people I have never met before. We are all members of an online networking community and it was our first time meeting in person. It was a little nerve-racking at first, but the night ended with great conversations and new insights about our passions, skills, clients, and being true to who you are.

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Patricia Atienza
Building and Strengthening Connections

STRONG RELATIONSHIPS | Networking does not always have to revolve around work and your professional agenda. You can meet a lot of great people who simply have the same interests and hobbies. There is a time for work and a time for play. As a solopreneur and freelancer, I give a lot of my time and effort around my work, brand and clients. But the times when I simply give back, like volunteering with a local community or spending time with family and friends, strengthens not only my social and communication skills, but also develops a giving and open attitude.

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Patricia Atienza
Decluttered By Design

KEEPING ORGANIZED IS AN ACTIVE MINDSET | It takes an active mind and body to arrange and put things into place, whether that be thoughts or Photoshop files. Every mind is different and how we think and perceive things change depending on the task. For me, a method to how I design professionally relieves some of the madness that comes while working in the industry.

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Patricia Atienza
Back to Basics

REMOVING EXCESS | A positive attitude can make all the difference. This past week has been a little chaotic with plans changing, work and meetings. But as I mentioned in last week’s post, after coming from a pretty tough spot, things are getting better as I begin to build a routine. This routine is not perfect, but it is like a framework. I am focusing on making daily duties - like waking up, exercising, eating right and meditating - and decisions an active process. The little things, like interactions with family, friends and colleagues - can be taken for granted or even wasted. But when our effort for these moments are taken with care, even the little everyday things are made a little better.

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Patricia Atienza
WIP - PART III: Starting From the Bottom

OVERWHELMED | There have been a lot of personal issues that I have been going through. I wanted this blog to be a source of positivity and motivation. But to be honest, I have been going through a rough patch. Past posts shared ideas of how to get out of ruts and to look forward to what is next. Yet the reality is, when we get down, it is not so easy to get back up again.

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Patricia Atienza
WIP - Part II: Review and Rediscover

TIME AFTER TIME | Lately, this where I find myself: in a time of transition. I feel like as a freelance designer or even as a creative in the industry, you are constantly moving, learning and changing. Situations and circumstances never really stay the same as you balance completing projects and finding new clients. To add to the mix is reviewing work and updating your portfolio.

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Patricia Atienza
WIP - Part I: Constructive Lowlights

DAILY LESSONS | Everyday life can be very mundane. We can find ourselves in a rut or nothing new is happening. We can simply just go through the motions. As one day starts, another ends without anything exciting. Yet, the time we have can become exciting and fun. With the time to learn something new comes a new opportunity. So take your time in learning, it may just change your life.

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Patricia Atienza
Waking Up in the Dark

ME TIME | When do you make time for yourself in the day? It may not be a daily occurrence for some, but it is important. Time for yourself could mean treating yourself to a nice meal, a shopping spree or a long, hot shower. But it can also mean challenging yourself: eating healthy, exercising and relaxing can seem like luxuries in a busy schedule. Yet these valuable habits are not only good for you, but also possible. You just need the right mindset.

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Patricia Atienza
Combating My Inner Critic

TAKING CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM | A comment that stuck with me was when someone defined me as a try-hard. This is someone who others visibly see trying too hard to do their best. I have been called a keener, a perfectionist and even goody-two shoes. Yet, this word, try-hard, left a bad impression on me and I guess on how other people saw me, too.

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Patricia Atienza
Result-Driven Ventures

SEEKING OPPORTUNITIES THAT FIT YOUR GOAL | The opportunities are abundant and endless with the right mindset. But are all opportunities right for everyone? As a freelance graphic and branding designer, finding opportunities for design and branding projects, and networking are essential. However, there is definitely a process of sifting through those opportunities that are worth chasing and those that are not.

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Patricia Atienza
Cycles & Phases

LET’S RACE! | I think life is not just one big race, but multiple races. We can find ourselves back at a starting line, right after completing another. Some races can feel similar, like you are stuck in a never-ending cycle, while others are unexpected. Yet after each phase, however familiar or unfamiliar, you can not only learn something new, but apply your past experiences and knowledge to ride a better race.

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Patricia Atienza